Buka sempadan Gaza - Mesir
Ban tells Israel to open borders with Gaza Strip
By Anna Fifield in Gaza City
Published: January 21 2009 02:00 | Last updated: January 21 2009 02:00
The United Nations secretary-general called on Israel yesterday to reopen the borders with the Gaza Strip immediately to allow the free movement of Palestinian people and goods.
Ban Ki-moon said he was promoting the idea of a third party - perhaps the European Union or Turkey - to police the border crossing to ensure that weapons could not be smuggled to Hamas.
"I hope that all the parties can agree on the border situation, to prevent any smuggling of illegal arms and weapons into Gaza," Mr Ban told the Financial Times after visiting damaged areas and a bombed UN food storage centre in Gaza City.
Keputusan dan analisis pilihanraya kecil Kuala Terengganu
Taktik Propaganda zaman 70-an BN tidak menjadi.
Anak 6 bulan dibuang ke dalam tong sampah
Tak ada logika - campak anak dalam tong sampah selepas bergaduh suami isteri? Kononnya sebab isteri curang. Kenapa marah isteri buang anak? Kalau dia memang zuriat bagaimana? Ujian DNA kan ada.
Pemimpin Kerajaan Negeri Selangor guna pesawat tambang murah untuk urusan rasmi
Now everyone can fly … with Selangor Exco - http://anwaribrahimblog.com
By Anwar Ibrahim
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 19 – Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and his exco members took frugality to new heights by flying to and from Alor Setar with Air Asia.
The Selangor delegation had flown to Kedah to attend the conference of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) chief ministers and leaders on Sunday and were spotted by The Malaysian Insider at the Sultan Abdul Halim Airport waiting to board the return flight this morning.
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